Elections Report 2018

The SICB elections closed on June 3, 2018, after being open for one month. A total of 409 votes for Society-wide offices were counted, representing participation by 16.6% of the 2,454 eligible voters.



Candidate Elected


SICB Society-wide offices:


Melina Hale

President-Elect 1/19-1/21

President 1/21-1/23

Program-Officer Elect

Jake Socha

Program Officer-Elect 6/18-1/20

Program Officer 1/20-1/22


Kakani Katija


Divisional Offices:

DAB Chair

Kendra Sewall


DCB Chair-Elect

John Long

Chair-Elect 1/19-1/21

Chair 1/21-1/23

DCE Program Officer-Elect

Sara O’Brien

Program Officer-Elect 1/19-1/20

Program Officer 1/20-1/22

DCPB Chair-Elect

Ken Welch

Chair-Elect 1/19-1/20

Chair 1/20-1/22

DCPB Program Officer

Kristi Montooth

Program Officer 1/19-1/21

DEDB Chair-Elect

Deirdre Lyons

Chair-Elect 1/19-1/20

Chair 1/20-1/22

DEDE Chair-Elect

Laura Zimmerman

Chair-Elect 1/19-1/20

Chair 1/20-1/22

DEE Chair-Elect

Fran Bonier

Chair-Elect 1/19-1/21

Chair 1/21-1/23

DEE Program Officer-Elect

Sarah Diamond

Program Officer-Elect 1/19-1/20

Chair 1/20-1/22

DIZ Secretary

Justin McAlister


DNNSB Secretary

Lisa Mangiamele


DVM Chair-Elect

Adam Summers

Chair-Elect 1/19-1/21

Chair 1/21-1/23

DVM Secretary-Elect

Angela Horner

Secretary-Elect 1/19-1/20

Secretary 1/20-1/22

All proposed changes to the SICB Constitution and Bylaws were approved and are now posted on the SICB website.