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Division of Developmental & Cell Biology (DDCB): 2002 Spring Newsletter

Message from the Chair

Patricia Glas

Dear DDCB members,

We are continuing to work on re-building the Division. Our plans include advertising the Division at the Annual Meeting in Toronto. Advertising includes co-hosting symposia if possible. I would like to try to have a business meeting that includes some sort of social to attract graduate and post-doctoral students in search of free food, then attract them to the Division with our plans of a Symposium in New Orleans.

The Symposium for New Orleans will combine classical research with cutting edge science. The thrust of the symposium will be to attract high school students to science careers and undergraduates to joint SICB and continue in the sciences. We will seek support from NSF and from SICB to sponsor the symposium. Tentative afternoon workshops for the teachers and students will be at area colleges.

We are looking for members to serve as a nominating committee. Officers needed for our division include Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Secretary/Treasurer-Elect, Program Officer Elect, and a Graduate/Post-Doc representative. None of these positions demand an immense amount of time as most of the work can be easily spread over the year. Of course, the biggest push is when we host symposia during a meeting. However, the position always looks good on your resume or in your personal data sheets for the year!

Anyone interested in working on the symposia for New Orleans, or serving as an officer and helping rebuild the Division should contact me at glasp@citadel.edu or bioglas@bellsouth.net.

Have a good summer!
Pat Glas
Chair, Division of Developmental and Cell Biology

Link to officer list on DDCB page