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Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (DCPB) - Fall 2000 Newsletter

Message from the Chair

Steven C. Hand

The summer was a busy one both for scientific meetings and society-related matters. The international meeting "Experimental Biology 2000: Milestones and Goals" was held July 30-August 3 at Queen's College and Downing College in Cambridge and was attended by a large number of DCPB members. The meeting was sponsored jointly by several societies including SICB, and our Division also sponsored a symposium in honor of Charlotte Mangum. August 9 Martin Feder and I represented the SICB at the Ecological Society of America meeting in Snowbird Utah to assess interest among plant physiological ecologists for increasing their participation in our society. To this end, a special symposium has been organized for the SICB Chicago meeting which blends plant and animal perspectives on current topics in physiological ecology. The officers of the physiological ecology section of ESA anticipate they will organize a similar complementary symposium at their next annual meeting. Overall, the response to the prospect of increased interfaces among society members with common interests in this field was quite encouraging.

Please note that we have two excellent candidates standing for election as DCPB Chair (Ray Henry and Nora Terwilliger) and also equally excellent candidates for Program Officer (Jim Claiborne and Jon Harrison). Thanks very much to Tim Bradley, Ross Ellington and Todd Gleeson for their hard work in recruiting this excellent slate of candidates. Don't forget to vote.

Finally, I have recently moved my laboratory to the Department of Biological Sciences at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; my new e-mail address is shand@lsu.edu. I look forward to seeing you January 3-7 in Chicago.

Message from the Program Officer

Michele Wheatly

The crescendo is building to the SICB Annual Meeting in the Windy City, Chicago Jan 3-7, 2001. The DCPB is sponsoring 4 symposia this year: Integrative Aspects of Epithelial Structure and Function, organized by Tim Bradley and Mary Chamberlin as a tribute to John E. Phillips; Taking Physiology to the Field, organized by David Goldstein and Berry Pinshow; Stability and Maneuverability, organized by Frank Fish and Robert Full with cosponsorship from DVM; and the groundbreaking Plant/Animal Physiology symposium organized by Martin Feder, Steve Hand, Jim Coleman, Vince Gutschick and Arnold Bloom. There are at least 2 other society-wide symposia that should be of interest to the divisional membership: Living Together: the Dynamics of Symbiotic Interactions, organized by Mary Beth Saffo; and Developing and Restructuring Science Curricula, organized by Ali Whitmer for the Education Council. Martin Feder and Steve Hand recently traveled to the Ecological Society of America annual meeting in Snowbird, Utah (tough job, but someone had to do it!), to discuss possible collaborations with a group of Physiological Ecologists, many of them with interest in plant physiology. With our change in society name and with the increasing use of reductionist and global approaches, there was a feeling that such a relationship could be mutually beneficial.

Message from the DCPB IUBS/IUPS Representative

Nora Terwilliger

Message from the Secretary

Jeannette Doeller

Raymond P. Henry

Current Position: Alumni Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, 131 Cary Hall, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5414; email: henryrp@mail.auburn.edu

Education: B.S., 1974; M.S., 1978, College of William and Mary, Biology; Ph.D., 1981, University of Texas at Austin, Zoology; Postdoctoral Fellow, 1981-1983, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Professional Experience: 1983-1987: Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology and Wildlife Science, Auburn University; 1988-1992: Associate Professor, Department of Zoology and Wildlife Science, Auburn University; 1993-1995: Professor, Department of Zoology and Wildlife Science, Auburn University; 1996-present: Alumni Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Auburn University; 1998-present: Visiting Investigator: Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory

SICB Activities: Member since 1977; organized a symposium (1991): Current perspectives on the evolution, ecology, and physiology of bimodal breathing; best student presentation committee

Other memberships and service: American Physiological Society, Gulf Estuarine Research Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Society for Experimental Biology; Editorial Board: Journal of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology; National Science Foundation: Evolutionary and Ecological Physiology Panel Member, Small Business Initiative Panel Member

Research Interests: The focus of my research program has been on the function and evolution of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, specifically its role as a central enzyme in a variety of key physiological and biochemical processes. A second area of interest involves the study of bimodal breathing in aquatic turtles and amphibious crustaceans.

Goals Statement: I would attempt to attract a higher level of participation in DCBP from two groups: neuroscientists (maybe even by creating a new division of comparative neurobiology) and members of the international scientific community.

Nora B. Terwilliger

Current Position: Professor of Biology, University of Oregon, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston and Department of Biology, Eugene

Education:B.S., 1963, University of Vermont; M.S., 1965, University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., 1981, University of Oregon

Professional Experience: Professor, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology and Biology Department, University of Oregon, 2000-present; Associate Professor, 1993-1999; Assistant Professor, 1989-1993; Research Associate, 1981-1989; Acting Director, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, 1998; Visiting Professor, University of Mainz, Germany, 1993; Visiting Investigator, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, 1986, 1987; Visiting Investigator, Marine Biological Association Laboratory, Plymouth, England, 1983-1984; Biology Instructor, Southwestern Oregon Community College, Coos Bay, 1980-1981; Marine Biology Consultant, School District #9, Coos Bay, OR, 1975, 1976; Instructor, Division of Continuing Education, State of Oregon, 1974, 1975; Research Assistant, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon, Charleston, 1971-1978; Lecturer and Research Assistant, Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, 1967-1969

SICB Activities: SICB and DCPB representative, International Union of Physiological Scientists (IUPS) and member of US National Committee, IUPS, 1997-present; SICB and DCPB representative, International Union of Biological Scientists (IUBS), 1993- present; International Organizing Board, IUBS 5th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Calgary, 1999; Chair, SICB Nominations Committee, 1997; Program Officer, Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, 1995-1996.

Other memberships: American Association for Advancement of Science, Society for Experimental Biology, The Crustacean Society, Western Society of Naturalists

Research Interests: The structure, function and ontogeny of respiratory proteins with an emphasis on invertebrate hemocyanins, hemoglobins and hemerythrins. Molecular phylogeny of the hemocyanin gene family. Physiology, biochemistry and development of marine invertebrates. Developmental changes in respiratory physiology.

Goals Statement: Many biologists cite the importance of contemporary integrative biology, yet support only one or two research areas. In contrast, SICB offers one of the best opportunities for exchange of ideas over a spectrum of approaches and technologies that travel from ecosystems to organisms to molecular phylogenies. My goals for DCPB include promoting programs that remind us of the importance of understanding the organism as fulcrum between mudflat and molecule and that also introduce us to emerging perspectives and technologies. I feel the divisional concept of SICB helps maintain the cohesiveness of the society. At the same time, DCPB members have strong research and friendship links to the other SICB divisions, and since our research interests are typically cross-disciplinary, we encourage integrative society-wide symposia. Comparative physiology and biochemistry societies of other countries, including those in Canada, Britain, Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand work closely with DCPB in sponsoring international meetings like the recent ones in Calgary and Cambridge. These international ties are important for research and education collaborations and deserve support. Full participation in SICB by DCPB members will enhance the value of our meetings as a forum for scientific presentations and will promote continuing opportunities for junior and senior scientists.

Candidates for Program Officer

James B. Claiborne

Current Position: Professor of Biology, Georgia Southern University

Education: B.S., 1977, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, Biology; Ph.D., 1981, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, Biology (Physiology)

Professional Experience: Assistant-Full Professor, Georgia Southern University, 1983-present Acting Department chair, 1987-1988; Principal Investigator, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, 1986-present; Visiting Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine, Gottingen, FRG and the Zoological Station of Naples, Naples Italy; 1982-1983, Summer 1984-85

SICB Activities: Member since 1977; Member, Electronic Communications Committee 1999-present.

Other memberships: Society for Experimental Biology, Sigma Xi, Association of Southeastern Biologists

Research Interests: We study the physiological systems involved with the regulation of salts, water and pH in marine fishes. Our current project focuses on the molecular and immunological detection of the Na+/H+ antiporter (NHE). In a fashion similar to the mammalian renal proximal tubule, this exchanger may allow these saltwater fishes to excrete hydrogen in exchange for external sodium across the gills. Our laboratory was the first to demonstrate the presence of NHE's in the fish gill and we are now in the process of determining the distribution and regulation of this protein during physiological challenges to the animal. See: http://www.bio.gasou.edu/Bio-home/JBC-home.html

Goals Statement: I was very impressed with the conversion to electronic abstract submission and the WWW based program information for the Atlanta meeting. I would like to continue this trend and bring some specific WWW based information pages and a bulletin board online for the DCPB. I would also like to continue to promote both discipline-specific and broad cross-discipline programs and symposia that extend from those normally included in the DCPB.

Jon F. Harrison

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Arizona State University

Education: B.Sc. (Honors), 1978, University of Toronto; Ph.D., 1987, University of Colorado, Boulder

Professional Experience: Isaac Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Zoology, University of British Columbia , 1988-1989; NSF-NATO Postdoctoral fellow, Dept. of Zoology, University of British Columbia, 1989-1990; Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, 1991-1997; Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Arizona State University, 1997-present; Editorial Board, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 1999-present

SICB Activities: Nominating Committee, Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, American Society of Zoologists, 1990-91; Co-Organizer: American Society of Zoologist Symposium (with John E. Phillips) on "Insect Acid-Base Regulation", (Vancouver, 1992); "Guest-editor", Physiological Zoology volume 67 (1994) for symposium "Respiratory and ionic aspects of insect acid-base regulation"; Co-Organizer: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Symposium (with John E. Phillips) on "Responses of terrestrial invertebrates to variation in temperature and water availability: molecular, organismal, and evolutionary approaches" (Albuquerque, 1996); SICB (ASZ) Member since 1983; 26 presentations at SICB (ASZ) meetings since 1984; 12 of my graduate or undergraduate students have presented at the meetings since 1993.

Other memberships and service: American Physiological Society, Entomological Society of America, International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Organization for Tropical Studies; Editorial Board, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 1999-present

Research Interests: I am a comparative and environmental physiologist who has primarily used insects as model systems. In terms of physiological mechanisms, I have interests in respiratory, acid-base, renal, and digestive physiology. In the arena of ecological and evolutionary physiology, I have been interested in questions related to flight respiration and energetics, foraging behavior and its relationship to metabolic physiology, adaptation and acclimation to environmental variation, thermoregulation, the genetic basis to intraspecific variation in metabolic capacity, elemental stoichiometry and its relationship to growth rate, and symmorphosis and safety margins.

Goals Statement: The symposia are critical to maintaining vibrant meetings. Probably the most important job of the division program officer is to actively solicit strong and broad symposia. I think that symposia which promote integration with other societal divisions and potentially other societies are important and should be especially encouraged. Topical organization of the posters is a great idea that should facilitate interactions at the poster sessions.

Upcoming Meetings of Interest

August 18-24, 2001, Second International Conference of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry in Africa, Chobe National Park, Botswana, http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/morlab/chobe/chobe.htm

August 26-31, 2001, IUPS XXXIV International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Christchurch, New Zealand, http://www.iups2001.org.nz

February 2-8, 2003, ICCPB, La Trobe University, Australia, contact Peter Frappell (La Trobe University) or Russ Baudinette (University of Adelaide)

September 12-14, 2001, International Conference: The roles of experimental biology in the protection of biodiversity and the control of exotic species, University of California, Los Angeles, http://www.ioe.ucla.edu/biodiversity/index.html, contact Dr. Soraya Bartol at smbartol@lifesci.ucla.edu. This conference is an affiliated meeting for the 34th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, to be held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 26-31 August 2001, see announcement on the SICB web site at http://www.sicb.org/announcedetails.php3?id=45