HomeVolume Fall 2006
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Division of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (DSEB): 2006 Fall Newsletter

In this newsletter:

Message from the Chair

Don Swiderski

I hope all of you have had a restful and rewarding summer and are looking forward to a productive year.

Congratulations to Audrey Aronowsky (Student/Post-doc representative, elect) and Anne Maglia (Chair, elect) on winning their respective elections. Thanks to all who agreed to run for these posts.

One of the main pieces of business facing the division in the coming year is election of the next Program Officer. Rachel Collin assumes the mantle from Michelle Nishiguchi after the Phoenix meeting. We will need to choose Rachel's eventual replacement, who will serve as P.O. elect during the second year of Rachel's term. Anyone willing to throw their hat in the ring, or interested in serving on the nominating committee should contact any of the current officers.

The other main piece of business is upgrading the DSEB web page. SICB is working on a major overhaul of society's website (see Spring Newsletter message from Secretary Lou Burnett). Now would be a good time to freshen our look and also to provide some real content (in addition to these enthralling newsletters). Anyone with suggestions for content or graphics should contact their favorite officer.

I look forward to seeing you in Phoenix; by all accounts it promises to be a great meeting.

Message from the Program Officer

Michele Nishiguchi

I just got back from the PO meeting in Phoenix, doing the giant matrix thing. All went well, we have over 1000 presenting authors, which will make Phoenix the second largest SICB meeting (next to New Orleans, which has been the largest). The rest of the info for Phoenix is on the web, but I can let you know that it will be a nice venue (easy access between the hotel and the convention hall, clement weather at that time of year, decent places to eat, etc.).

As for the next (San Antonio) meetings, there will be only one society-wide symposium, Evolution in the Classroom, which DSEB is co-sponsoring. The other symposia will be Go with the Flow, Crustacean Phylogenetics, Vertebrate Head Segmentation, Yolk Hormones, Reptile Genomics, PharmEcology, and Neurobiology. I will stress that DSEB is only sponsoring two symposia (the other one is Crustacean Phylogenetics), so symposium organizers should see me regarding funding for symposia that would be relevant to systematics.

The Phylogenetics for Dummies workshop will be on Saturday from 6-8 pm. DSEB will be doing a joint social with DEE, DIZ, and ACS, and it will be on Friday night (and should be fun with all those folks involved). The society-wide symposium will be on Saturday night, following the workshop, from 8-10 pm.

I'll also need volunteer judges for the student awards; please contact me if you would like to help out.

Message from the Secretary

Pat Reynolds

Hello all! Congratulations to Audrey Aronowsky (Student/Post-doc representative, elect) and Anne Maglia (Chair, elect) on election, and thanks to the other candidates and members of the nominating committee. Please consider running for office in the future. If you are interested, drop me a message at preynold@hamilton.edu, or contact any of the officers. Marta deMaintenon takes over as Secretary of DSEB after the next meeting in January; her e-mail address is: demainte@hawaii.edu. Hope to see you all in Phoenix!

Link to officer list on DSEB page