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SICB General Elections

Candidates for the SICB General Elections

The ballot for this election will arrive the week of April 19 via mail.

Candidates for President-Elect

Harvey B. Lillywhite

Current Position: Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville; Director, Seahorse Key Marine Laboratory.

Education: B.A., University of California, Riverside; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles.

Professional Experience: NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, 1970-71; Assistant Professor - Professor, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1971-84; Visiting Lecturer, Monash University, Australia, 1975-76; Visiting Scientist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, 1979-80; Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1984-present; Research Fellow, University of New England, Armidale NSW, Australia, 1991; National Research Council Senior Research Associate, NASA-Ames Research Center, 1992-97; Fulbright Fellow, India, 1993-94; Director, University of Florida Marine Laboratory at Seahorse Key, 1998-present.

SICB Activities: Currently Member-at-Large, Executive Committee; Past Secretary for DCPB; Organizer of and participant in symposia; Regular attendee of meetings since 1972.

Other Memberships: American Physiological Society; Ecological Society of America; Society for Experimental Biology; American Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists (member Board of Governors); Society for Study of Amphibians & Reptiles; International Society for Gravitational Physiology; American Society for Gravitational & Space Biology; Sigma Xi (Marshall of local chapter); AAAS; National Association of Marine Laboratories; Past divisional editor for Ecology, Ecological Monographs and Copeia.

Research Interests: Physiological and behavioral ecology of vertebrates, especially amphibians and reptiles. Emphasis on adaptation of structure and function of integument and cardiovascular systems.

Goals Statement: The new century will bring many challenges as well as opportunities for growth and development of SICB. As we witness the "breakthrough" advances and increasing specialization of emerging new fields, I believe that integration of scientific information across scales and across disciplines will remain an enterprise of foremost importance to science and to society. Hence, SICB is in a unique position to assume new leadership roles in research, education and science policy. My priority goals for the SICB would be:

  1. Increased communication and interactions among all of our members. Activities of the Society, especially the Annual Meeting, should continue to foster innovation, quality and integrative science, and to encourage and inspire the younger members. New frontiers of knowledge should be utilized to strengthen the traditional disciplines. Indeed, balancing the interests of the diversified divisions of our Society with burgeoning fields so that we sustain interdisciplinary synergy is clearly one of the great strengths of SICB.
  2. Enhanced diversity of membership and activities coupled to a strengthened financial base and membership. A strategic plan for increasing membership should include renewed appeals to younger scientists and international membership.
  3. Enhanced visibility. The SICB, along with other scientific organizations, has an unprecedented opportunity to impact national science policy in new and important ways. I believe we should become increasingly bold in promoting policy changes and communicating with the general public. We can also invigorate our organization through inter-society and international relations.
  4. Creative involvement in issues related to biodiversity and conservation. Thereby, we might rightly assume new or strengthening roles in preserving the organisms we are passionate to study.

Marvalee H. Wake

Current Position: Chancellor's Professor of Integrative Biology, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley.

Education: B.A. (cum laude), 1961; M.S., 1964; Ph.D., 1968, all University of Southern California

Professional Experience: Instructor, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, 1966-69; Lecturer in Biology, University of California, Berkeley, 1969-73; Assistant Dean, College of Letters and Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1972-73; Associate Dean, 1975-78; Assistant to Associate Professor of Biology and Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, 1973-80; Professor of Zoology, 1980-89; Integrative Biology, 1989-present; Chancellor's Professor, 1997-present; Chair, Department of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, 1985-89; Chair, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, 1989-91; John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellow, 1988-89.

SICB Activities: Program Officer, 1986-88, Chair, 1989-90, Division of Vertebrate Morphology (DVM); Chair, Division of Systematic Zoology (DSZ), 1992-93; Executive Committee, 1989-93; Chair, DSZ Nominating Committee, 1997; Plenary Speaker, Centennial Meeting, 1989; Organizer of symposia, etc.

Other Memberships: American Association for the Advancement of Science: Fellow; Nominating Committee, 1992-94; Chair, Section G--Biological Science, 1998; Council Delegate, 1986-89, 1999-2000; American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists: President, 1984, Board of Governors, 1973-78, 1980-present; various committees; California Academy of Sciences: Fellow; Board of Trustees 1992-98, Honorary Trustee 1998-present; Sigma Xi: National Lecturer, 1989-91; Society for Systematic Biology: Endowment Committee, 1997-present; Editorial boards of five journals and other publications; World Congress of Herpetology: Executive Committee, 1990-97 (ex officio, 1998-present), Secretary General (elected, President), 1994-97; International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS): Secretary General (elected; 1994-present); United States National Committee for IUBS, member, 1986-present, Chair, 1992-94; DIVERSITAS (International Biodiversity Science Program) Scientific Steering Committee member (1996-present; representing IUBS; also liaison for DAPTF and SSC/IUCN); Chair, DIVERSITAS Monitoring Manuals Research Component (1996-present); National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council: Board on Sustainable Development, 1995-present; National Science Foundation: BIO Advisory Committee, 1997-present, panels, committees, task forces.

Research Interests: Evolutionary morphology and development (osteology, myology, neurobiology, reproductive biology, functional morphology); reproductive biology of non-mammalian vertebrates, especially the evolution of viviparity; phylogenetic reconstruction; patterns of evolution; issues in biodiversity science.

Goals Statement: The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology is in a position to be a significant leader as biology, science and society reorganize their approaches to deal with complex, transdisciplinary issues facing the 21st century. If elected, I would attempt to facilitate that leadership in several ways:

  1. Within the Society, I would work toward a) increasing the membership, b) involving more people in Society activities; c) further implementing our support for undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral scholars for both research and attendance at the Annual Meeting; d) examining the structure of the Society to be sure that it can meet both current and anticipated needs of its members; e) increasing our focus on the educational enterprise at all levels, so that integrative approaches to questions are emphasized (e. g., SICB could sponsor yearly meetings of deans and department chairs to discuss and implement curriculum and training; SICB should be sure that symposia directed at education produce materials that can be disseminated); f) enhancing the visibility of our excellent publications; and g) perhaps most importantly, facilitating the interaction of SICB members and divisions to produce coherent examples and programs in integrative and comparative biology, so that the concept and the practice will grow by example.
  2. For the Society, I would try to solidify its position of scientific leadership by a) increasing interaction with like-minded national and international societies, ngo's and agencies; b) increasing its visibility in terms of contribution of scientific expertise to issues in education, conservation and public policy, and elsewhere, as appropriate; c) using electronic communication more extensively to facilitate interaction both within SICB and within the larger community; and d) encouraging more of our members to take more proactive roles in such activities.

    Throughout its history, SICB (ASZ) has encouraged junior and senior colleagues to think broadly about their science and its responsibility to society. The challenges of the coming decade, let alone the century, require that we respond in both established and new ways to meet our commitment to the Society that both allows and demands our work.

Candidates for Treasurer-Elect

Sunny K. Boyd

Current Position: Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind., since 1994.

Education: A.B., Princeton University, 1981; M.S., Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1984, 1987.

Professional Experience: Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, 1987-94; Co-chair of Scientific Review Board for the American Heart Association (Indiana and Midwest Consortium; 1997-99); AHA Review Board panel member, 1995-97; Co-organizer of Western Regional Conference on Comparative Endocrinology, Corvallis, Ore., 1985 and Midwestern Regional Conference on Comparative Endocrinology, Notre Dame, 1994.

SICB Activities: Major Divisional Affiliation: Comparative Endocrinology; Divisional Program Officer, 1999-2000

Other Memberships: Society for Neuroscience; Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology; J.B. Johnston Comparative Neuroanatomy Club.

Research Interests: Neuroendocrine control of vertebrate reproductive behaviors; Neuropeptide and steroid mechanisms of action; Reproductive endocrinology of amphibians (anuran and caecilian); Function of auditory and vocalization systems; Design and function of vertebrate neural networks.

Goals Statement: To continue the critical support of the Society for our new and old initiatives but to also work toward making as many enterprises as possible (such as the Annual Meeting) self-supporting.

Ronald V. Dimock, Jr.

Current Position: Professor, Department of Biology, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.

Education: B.A. (cum laude), University of New Hampshire; M.S., Florida State University; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara.

Professional Experience: Chair, Department of Biology, Wake Forest University 1984-90; Assistant Professor 1970-76, Associate Professor 1976-83, Professor, 1983-present, Wake Forest University; Visiting Professor (summers), Duke University Marine Laboratory 12 years, 1974 - present; Visiting Scientist, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 1971; Visiting Scientist (NSF - International Cooperative Science Program), University of Amsterdam, 1983; Visiting Professor, University of Sydney, Australia, 1998.

SICB Activities: Member since 1967. Nominee, Chair, Division of Ecology and Evolution, 1982; Nominee, Chair, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, 1987; Nominee, Member-at-Large, Executive Committee, 1994; Chair, numerous paper sessions.

Other Memberships: President, American Microscopical Society, 1993; President, North Carolina Academy of Science, 1985-86; Treasurer, NC Academy of Science 1987-90; American Malacological Union; North American Benthological Society; Association of Southeastern Biologists; Sigma Xi.

Research Interests: Invertebrate physiological ecology and behavior. Current work applies video endoscopy, SEM and physiological techniques to basic questions concerning the early life history stages of the freshwater mussel family Unionidae. This taxon constitutes the single largest group of endangered or threatened species in North America, yet little is known about fundamental aspects of their biology.

Goals Statement: Having become involved with ASZ/SICB as a beginning graduate student, I have been especially pleased to see the large number of graduate student and postdoctoral participants at recent Annual Meetings. SICB continues to be one of the most comprehensive and truly integrative professional societies. I look forward to helping direct the Society into the next century, in which multidisciplinary, integrative approaches to fundamental questions of biology will be crucial. SICB's steadily improving financial health should be focused on insuring the broadest participation of young biologists in the activities of the Society, while maintaining an effective forum for seasoned scientists.

Candidates for Member-at-Large

Kimberly A. Hammond

Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of California at Riverside, 1995-present.

Education: B.S., Colorado State University 1980; M.S., SUNY College at Buffalo, 1983; Ph.D., Colorado State University, 1989.

Professional Experience: NIH-NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow 1990-92; Assistant Research Physiologist, UCLA School of Medicine 1993-95, Assistant Professor, present.

SICB Activities: Member of the Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Affairs Committee, 1991-93.

Other Memberships: American Association for the Advancement of Science, Ecological Society of America.

Research Interests: Animal physiological ecology and evolutionary physiology; Animal design and function; Adaptation of small mammals to high altitude systems.

Goals Statement: It is important for us, as a society, to maintain and strengthen our integrative focus that allows the synthesis of information from the molecular to the ecosystem level, and from developmental to evolutionary biology. I am interested in seeing SICB continue to grow and make contributions that influence how science is performed. To this end, I would like to see SICB achieve a greater national visibility that will influence the larger research community and those who fund it.

Tyrone Hayes

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California at Berkeley.

Education: University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., 1993, Integrative Biology; Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., B.A., 1989, Biology.

Professional Experience: Senior Scientist, Sokoke Inc. El Ceritto, Calif.; Consultant, Ecorisk, Inc., Ferndale, Wash.; Lecturer, Biosphere 2, Columbia University (Oracle Ariz., Campus); 1994-present, Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley, Calif.; 1994, NIH Adjunct Postdoctoral Fellow, NIH, Bethesda, Md.; 1993-94, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley.; 1992-93, Graduate Student Instructor, University of California, Berkeley; 1990-93, Research Associate, University of California, Berkeley; 1991-present, Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley; 1990-present Freelance Technician and Consultant, Biosystems, Tiburon, Calif.; Field Assistant, Conservation Agency, Washington, D.C.

SICB Activities: I have been a member of the Division of Comparative Endocrinology (1990) and an active participant in the Western Regional Comparative Endocrinology Conference for 10 years. I organized a symposium in 1996 and have participated in two other invited symposia. I have served as a judge for graduate student talks and posters for three years. I have also given a lecture on "how to give a research talk: developing visual aids." I have also been a regular attendee for the general business meeting and the DCE business meeting.

Other Memberships: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; Herpetologist's League; National Science Foundation, Review Panel; General and Comparative Endocrinology, Reviewer; Journal of Experimental Zoology, Reviewer; Physiological Zoology, Reviewer; Ecology, Reviewer; Developmental Biology, Reviewer; National Science Foundation, Reviewer; Sloan Foundation, Reviewer; Harvard University, Alumni Interviewer, 1990.

Research Interests: My research focuses on developmental endocrinology of amphibians. My studies are integrative using biochemical and molecular techniques as well as field approaches. Studies are comparative and conducted in a phylogenetic framework, as the ultimate goal is to use developmental endocrinology to explore the evolution of developmental patterns.

Goals Statement: More activities to encourage cross-disciplinary interactions are important for furthering the integration of varied fields. One way to obtain such interactions is to promote more cross-disciplinary symposia, and symposia papers. Also, I would like to see the society have a bigger involvement in public programs. Recently, I have had the opportunity to attend several scientific conferences in Japan. After the scientific program, lectures were held for the public (two or three speakers). Educating the public about our Society and our approach to science is quite important and not an activity that I have observed in any of the societies to which I belong. I would be very interested in taking the lead on developing such a component.

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