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Meeting Abstract

P2-59   -   Behavioral responses of cavity-nesting species in relation to nest predation threat Gray, ML*; Foltz, SL; Radford University

Tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor, eastern bluebirds Sialia sialis, and house sparrows Passer domesticus all respond to potential nest predators in their own unique ways. We put together a study that would allow us to observe the various responses of these species, but also the characteristics of predators. In this study, we piloted camera-based methods of monitoring nests for predation attempts, placing trail cameras outside boxes with active nests to see what kind of predators were present in the area, how often predators attempted to access the nest, and the approaches they used to reach the nest box. In addition, we observed the nest defense behaviors of parents associated with each nest during thrice-weekly nest box checks during which we served as proxy predators. We collected data on overhead flights and dives, beak clicks, and alarm calls the parents performed. Data analysis is ongoing; we plan to relate the parental aggression we observed at the time of checks to the predation pressure in the area, as measured by the number of nest predators observed and the number of attempts made to access each nest. We predict that parents at nests that experienced higher predation pressure will exhibit more aggressive defense behaviors.