Messages from:
Division Chair

Division Officers

DEE: 1997 Fall Newsleter

This Newsletter by Section

Message from the Chair

Dianna K. Padilla

We're looking forward to the SICB 1998 Annual Meeting in Boston, Jan. 3-7, 1998 and hope you all are, too. We want to encourage everyone to attend, whether or not you are presenting a talk or poster. This promises to be a great meeting for ecologists and evolutionists with many interesting symposia. DEE is co-sponsoring "Coral Reefs and Environmental Change: Adaptation, Acclimation or Extinction?" with the Ecological Society of America. This joint society sponsorship is a first for our division and we hope just one of many more to come. In addition, there are many interdivisional symposia of interest to ecological and evolutionary biologists. Now is the time to get more involved in your Division of Ecology and Evolution, as well as the society at large. We need volunteers for a variety of tasks including paper and poster judging and committee involvement. Some committees to volunteer for are the Grants-In-Aid of Research committee and section committees, including the Nominations Committee. We welcome and would like to invite all biologists, especially those who study photosynthesis, to join the society. We have the opportunity to make this society, and especially this section, a good home for ecologists, evolutionary ecologists and evolutionary biologists who study all different taxa. SICB also provides an excellent alternative to summer meetings for field biologists. Now is the time to think about planning mini-symposia for the Denver meeting and society-wide symposia for the meeting in 2000! There are funds available to support activities associated with symposia.

We have a new program officer, Dr. Don Levitan of Florida State University. Don is looking forward to working with people on symposium planning. If you have suggestions on organizing future programs, please contact Don at 904/644-2524 or e-mail: Students! Don't forget to apply for research funds from the Grants-In-Aid of Research program. Information on this new program is available on the SICB Web site or by sending in the postcard enclosed with this newsletter. Finally, if you have suggestions about what you would like us to do as a section, please come to the DEE business meeting in Boston. And, if you can't come to the meeting, e-mail us with your thoughts.

The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
1313 Dolley Madison Blvd Suite 402
McLean VA 22101
Phone: 703-790-1745 or 800-955-1236
FAX: 703-790-2672