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Committee Reports
2000 SICB
Annual Meeting

Newsletters by Division:
Animal Behavior
Comparative Endocrinology
Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry
Developmental & Cell Biology
Ecology & Evolution
Evolutionary Developmental Biology
Integrative & Comparative Issues
Invertebrate Zoology
Systematic and Evolutionary Biology
Vertebrate Morphology

Division of Evolutionary Developmental Biology (DEDB): 1999 Fall Newsletter

Message from the Secretary

James Hanken

History will be made at the 2000 SICB Annual Meeting in Atlanta, January 4-8, when newly elected chair Rudy Raff convenes the first business meeting of SICB's newest division (which will undoubtedly prove to be one of the most exciting), Evolutionary and Developmental Biology (DEDB). The regular meeting program features two inaugural symposia sponsored by DEDB, "HOX Clusters and the Evolution of Morphology," and "Evolutionary Developmental Biology: Paradigms, Problems and Prospects." Complete information about these and other activities at the annual meeting can be found by clicking here.

Two of the more mundane, but nevertheless important, items on the agenda for our first meeting are the approval of a set of divisional bylaws (needed so that we can conduct regular business with minimal chaos) and the implementation of a regular schedule for election of future divisional officers. These officers include chairperson, secretary and program officer -- all critical positions in terms of ensuring the health and vigor of any division. It is not too early for people to begin thinking of nominations for any or all of these offices. The only official requirement is that the nominee be a current member of SICB; nominations of members from overseas are especially welcome. For additional information regarding the divisional bylaws, which will be drafted later this fall, or future elections, please contact me at hanken@oeb.harvard.edu.

I plan to see many of you in Atlanta next January and look forward to meeting both old and new members of SICB. Happy holidays.

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The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
1313 Dolley Madison Blvd Suite 402
McLean VA 22101
Phone: 703-790-1745 or 800-955-1236
FAX: 703-790-2672
E-mail: SICB@BurkInc.com