Greetings from your DAB
We hope everyone had a
great time in San Antonio. The weather and food were great, and
there was a terrific collection of animal behavior talks and posters.
Behavior is a popular topic at SICB in many divisions, not just DAB.
The business meeting/social was well attended and we plan to
continue that format at future meetings.
Best Student
We again had a number
of excellent presentations to evaluate in San Antonio. We extend
many thanks to all of the judges who assessed the talks and posters.
Among the many excellent presentations the following two students are
recipients of this year's prizes:
Best Student Oral
Maren Vitousek,
Princeton University, "Heterospecific alarm-call recognition in
a non-vocal reptile"
Best Student Poster
Jennifer Curtis,
University of Central Oklahoma, "Collared Lizards Decrease
Testosterone Levels in Response to Staged Territorial Intrusions: A
Test of the Challenge Hypothesis"
Congratulations Maren
and Jennifer!
Student/ Postdoc Rep
Zach Stahlschmidt
a PhD student in Life Sciences at Arizona State University, has been
appointed as the new DAB representative on SICB's
Student/Postdoctoral Affairs Committee for a term of 2008-2011.
Thank you Zach!
Our Journal
Diana Hews, of Indiana
State University, has been appointed the new DAB representative on
the Integrative and Comparative Biology editorial board for
2008-2013. Thank you, Diana, for your service to the journal on our
Upcoming Meeting
We have a number of
excellent symposia we will be supporting at the 2009 annual meeting
in Boston. We hope that you will be able to participate in the
Society-wide symposium entitled "Hormonal Regulation of
Whole-Animal Performance: Implications for Selection." We would
also like to encourage you to attend two regular symposia, entitled
"Genomics and Vertebrate Adaptive Radiation: A Celebration of
the First Cichlid Genome" and "Evolution of Mechanisms
Controlling Timing of Breeding in Animals."
If you believe that
there is an important and quickly-emerging topic in your particular
area of expertise, we would encourage you to consider organizing a
late-breaking symposium proposal. These are due on or before the
abstract submission deadline. Currently, these symposia are treated
the same as normal symposia, with the exception that decisions for
approval and financial support will be contingent on the program
committee's assessment of the impact and urgency of the proposed
symposium topic. As with regular symposia, SICB financial support
for late-breaking symposia WILL BE available if the organizer
solicits outside support.
If you are considering
submitting a proposal for a regular or Society-wide symposium in
2010, please remember that the deadline is in August 2008. Please
contact Sarah Humfeld, the DAB Program Officer with any questions of
if you would like assistance in developing the proposal.
Web site
Want to promote your
research? Send divisional Secretary Scott MacDougal-Shackleton
a jpeg of something cool from your research and a short paragraph
describing it and we will add this to the SICB website database.
These are the photos you see on the main SICB web page in the upper
left-hand panel.
As well, please double
check your membership information on the SICB web site. As people
move some of the information may become outdated. It is very easy to
change. Just click on your name in the divisional membership list
and follow the instructions.
Channel some of your
election fever from the U.S. Presidential election to SICB! DAB
needs to elect a new secretary this year. Jordanna Sprayberry, a
long-time active participant in the DAB, has expressed a strong
interest in contributing to the division as secretary. Please show
her your support by voting -and while you're at it, don't
forget to vote in the Society-wide elections as well.
Have a great Spring and