knock, knocking on Darwin's door!
invertebrate zoologists,
summer I finally fulfilled one of my long-term dreams - to visit
Darwin's Down House. The building and grounds are being
beautifully restored and maintained by English Heritage. It was
truly moving to see his study, walk the Sandwalk, and think about the
amazing depth and breadth of Darwin's contributions to science.
Next year marks the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth
and many institutions and organizations are organizing Darwin Day
celebrations to commemorate this anniversary. This is a wonderful
opportunity to express, demonstrate, and explain the centrality of
evolution to biology. I encourage you all to organize events for
your local communities.
One of my
primary goals for DIZ is to nurture our next generation of
invertebrate zoologists. To that end, we will host another auction
at the Boston meeting next January to benefit the fund for the Libbie
H. Hyman Memorial Scholarship. Please think about what you can
donate-original invertebrate-themed art, jewelry, or perhaps a
memento from your early days before you were famous. The last
auction was extremely successful; I hope we can do even more to
support students as their careers evolve.
I enjoyed
seeing so many of you in San Antonio. Once again, outstanding
presentations on invertebrates dominated many of the sessions, from
the DIZ-sponsored symposia on ecomorphological variation across
aquatic flow regimes, decapod phylogenetics, crustacean genomics, and
evolution vs. creationism in the classroom, to the many contributed
papers and posters on our favorite organisms.
Amy Moran
completed her term as DIZ program officer at this meeting. It has
been a tremendous pleasure to work with her; I thank her for all her
help and dedicated service. These duties are now in the capable hands
of Jim McClintock, who began serving by attending the program
officers' meeting last fall. Please be sure to send him proposals
for symposia you would like the Division to sponsor.
Ben Miner
has continued to chair our student awards competition. I thank him
and all who served as judges. I am also grateful to Wiley-Liss and
Oxford University Press for their support of our students. Each year
they provide the winners of the best oral presentation and best
poster (respectively) with a book of the winner's choice. Please
see Ben's message to learn who won and join me in congratulating
our students on truly outstanding oral presentations and papers.
I would
like to thank Scott Nichols for serving as our representative to the
graduate student/postdoctoral affairs committee. I am pleased to
announce that Jann Vandetti has agreed to be our next representative
to this committee and I encourage our student and postdoctoral
members to contact Jann with your comments and suggestions.
We will
have another election this year, this time for DIZ chair-elect. A
nominating committee consisting of Ben Miner, Beth Davis, and Ken
Halanych, with the help of Tom Wolcott and myself, has nominated
Dianna Padilla and David Wethey to fill this position. Please read
their statements elsewhere in this newsletter and be certain to vote.
I thank all those willing to nominate and especially those willing
to serve.
This fall
you will receive a proposal to revise the DIZ bylaws to clarify how
we proceed and to make our bylaws consistent with the SICB
constitution and bylaws. Please look for more information about this
later this year and participate in the voting process.
wishes for the spring!
view from the Sandwalk.
garden at Down House features plants that would have been common in
area gardens in Darwin's lifetime.
Dear SICB members,
Once again, we had a
wonderful showing of DIZ members who participated in the meetings in
San Antonio, Texas. Congratulations to everyone that presented
either posters or oral presentations, and a special thank you to
those of you who readily volunteered when asked to serve as session
chairs. The general consensus was that the poster and paper
sessions, and the many events (IMAX "Volcanoes of the Deep Sea",
and "Flight of the Dodo") and mixers, came off very well indeed.
Overall, there were 1005 abstracts received making San Antonio among
the top 4 largest SICB meetings. The general meeting location, with
ready access to the sights, sounds and great cuisine along the River
Walk, was marvelous. Moreover, your understanding and patience with
the construction underway at the Marriott Rivercenter was most
appreciated, and beyond the control of the executive committee who
skillfully negotiated in turn a society savings of approximately
$50,000 in our audio visual costs. We were primary sponsor for one
symposium, Joel Martin and Darryl Felder's "Advances in Decapod
Crustacean Phylogenetics" which was very well received. We also
co-hosted a symposium organized by Eric Lovely on ""Evolution
vs. Creationism in the classroom: Evolving Student Attitudes".
This was both timely and very well attended. Our joint social with
the Crustacean Society, DEE, AMS, and DSEB turned out to be a great
party as usual. Because the venue for our presentations was shifted
to the convention center across the street from our hotel, the
prevailing opinion was that the layout of the conference venue was
convenient due to the close proximity of all the meeting rooms.
Indeed, this seemed well worth the walk across the street. Please
feel free to share any comments or concerns that you have about the
meeting site or program and I will bring them to the attention of the
Program Committee.
At the upcoming 2009
meeting at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel, DIZ will be the
co-sponsor of two symposia including: (1) "The Biology of
Parasitic Crustacea" organized by Jeffrey Shields; co-sponsored by
the Crustacean Society, DEE, and DSEB, and (2) "Cell-Cell
Signaling Drives the Evolution of Complex Traits" organized by John
Torday; primary sponsor DEDB. Another highlight of next year's
Boston meeting will be the 2nd Invertebrate Auction to
support the Libbie Hyman Awards Endowment. Many of you will recall
this boisterous and hugely successful event from its first iteration
in 2004, where it was one of the highlights of the New Orleans
Once again in 2008 there
will be an opportunity to host "Late Breaking Symposia" in which
the organizers select and solicit talks for a half-day session. The
abstracts for talks in late-breaking symposia for 2009 will be due in
August 2008, so they can be put together on a short time frame.
Please contact Society Program Officer Eduardo Rosa-Molinar
if you are interested in putting together an organized late breaking
session for Boston.
It's not too early to
start thinking about symposia for DIZ to host or co-host for the 2010
meeting; the deadline is August 2008, and I look forward to hearing
about ideas for great DIZ symposia. Good luck with your teaching,
research and travels and have a safe and productive spring!
graduate students and post-docs,
Kudos to
all who participated in another enlightening and successful SICB
meeting. I hope that you enjoyed SICB San Antonio and in addition to
attending talks, poster sessions, and socials, had a chance to visit
the Alamo and discover or re-discover Tex-Mex cuisine.
are in order for 2008 DIZ student award winners; Lindsay Waldrop, UC
Berkeley for Best Student Oral Presentation, Joerg Hammel, FSU Jena,
Germany for Best Student Poster, Nicholas Alcorn, Bowdoin College for
the Adrian M. Wenner Strong Inference Award, and Daniel L. Curtis,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, for a Grant-in-Aid of Research
(GIAR). Nicely done! If you have not applied for or received a
GIAR, mark your calendars for this year's deadline of November
Also, on
behalf of the DIZ graduate students and postdoctoral fellows I would
like to thank Dr. Larry Riley for organizing the student/postdoc
workshop, "I Have a Great Idea, But Who Will Fund Me?" Panelists
Drs. Davidowitz, Mykles, and Halanych provided practical and valuable
advice to a packed room of students, touching on topics including how
to recover from a rejected grant proposal and what NSF guidelines
mean by "transformative."
For 2009's
Boston meeting, please consider attending the DIZ business meeting if
you have not already. It is a great way to learn about the
division's goals, meet its officers, and learn the inter-workings
of the society. Also, I welcome your feedback on the San Antonio
meeting and encourage any suggestions for student/postdoc activities
that you would like to see at future meetings. SICB has a long
history of responding positively to student society member's
requests-this is your society, make the most of it!
wishes and hopes for a productive year of research.
Message from the Student Awards Committee Chair
Ben Miner
We had a
great meeting in San Antonio this year, and there were many excellent
student presentations. Thank you to all the students who presented!
I would also like to thank the 16 volunteer judges for their time and
commitment to the students. This year 23 students competed from for
best student paper. The winners were:
Best oral
Waldrop for her talk entitled, "Fluid dynamics of antennule
flicking of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus"
Yu "Extended starvation resistance and subsequent growth
recovery in sea urchin larvae: Implications for lifespan in the
poster presentation
Hammel "Morphogenesis during asexual bud-formation and growth
in the poriferan Tethya wilhelma: silica skeleton, aquiferous
system and the mesohyle"
Vaughn, "Attack on the Clones: Predator-Induced Cloning in
Echinoderm Larvae"
Adrian M.
Wenner Strong Inference Award
Alcorn "How do changes in parental investment influence larval
development in Gulf of Maine echinoids?"
Lewis "Tests for palatability and feeding deterrence in egg
masses of nine species of opisthobranch gastropods"
join me in congratulating these outstanding students. I look forward
to seeing you all at the next meeting in Boston.
Elections: Candidates for DIZ Chair-Elect
Diana K. Padilla
Present Position:
Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolution, SUNY Stony Brook;
Adjunct Professor, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, SUNY
Stony Brook (1998 - present)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 1987-89, PhD
Zoology The University of Alberta, Edmonton 1987, MS Zoology 1982
Oregon State University, Corvallis, BA Zoology 1978 University of
Washington, Seattle, BA Biological Oceanography 1978 University of
Washington, Seattle
Previous Positions:
Program Director, Integrative Organismal Systems, Biology,
National Science Foundation, 2006 - 2007, Associate Professor,
Department of Zoology University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996 -1998;
Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1989 - 1996; Oceanography and Limnology Graduate
Program, U Wisconsin-Madison, 1989 - 1998
SICB Service:
Member of SICB (formerly ASZ) since 1981. Chair, Division of Ecology
and Evolution 1997 - 1999, Member at Large, Executive Committee
2001-2004, DEE member of the editorial board, Co-Organized Workshop
to increase Diversity in SICB and Integrative Biology, Co-Organized
Society-wide Symposium Plant-Animal Interactions, Co-Organized
DIZ-DEE Symposium - Legacies in Life Histories, past Chair and
present member of Committee to Increase Diversity - now Committee for
Broadening Participation. I have also served several times on the
nominating committee for society-wide officers, nominating committee
for DIZ and DEE, and judge for the best student presentations in DIZ
and DEE.
Other Society
Memberships: American Association for the Advancement of
Sciences, American Malacological Society, American Microscopical
Society, Ecological Society of America, National Shellfisheries
Association, Sigma Xi, Western Society of Malacologists
Research Interests:
Functional morphology and functional ecology of aquatic
invertebrates and algae, phenotypic plasticity, invertebrate life
histories, freshwater and marine invertebrate invasion biology and
ecology, marine invertebrate restoration and conservation, marine
protected areas.
Statement of Goals:
My recent experience at the NSF reinforced the notion that
integrative organismal biology, especially of invertebrates, is
experiencing a renaissance. I will not only encourage symposia at
the leading edge of this renaissance, but I will also work with the
program director and other divisions to explore and highlight new
integrative research, that could be the leading edges of the future.
I am also dedicated to broadening participation in integrative
invertebrate zoology as a field as well as within SICB. I will work
to make sure that our division not only grows and stays vital, but
also encourages diversity.
David Wethey
Current Position:
Professor of Biology and Marine Science, University of South
Education: B.
A., Yale College (1973); M.S. University of Michigan (1976); Ph.D.
University of Michigan (1979); Postdoctoral Fellow: 1979-80,
University College of North Wales and University of Leeds, UK
Experience: Assistant through Full Professor, University of
South Carolina 1980-present.
SICB Activities:
Member since 1974; DIZ Nominating Committee 1985; DIZ and DE student
paper judge various years; Chair, ASZ Nominating Committee 1995; SICB
Student Support Committee 2006, 2007
Other Memberships:
AAAS; American Society for Limnology and Oceanography; American
Society of Naturalists; British Ecological Society; Ecological
Society of America; Estuarine Research Federation; Marine Biological
Association of the United Kingdom; Sigma Xi; Society for the Study of
Research Interests:
Population and community ecology in the intertidal zone; biophysical
ecology - heat, mass, and momentum transport in rocky and
sedimentary intertidal systems; marine biogeography and climate
Statement of Goals:
The breadth of SICB and DIZ have always appealed to me, and the
annual meetings provide an excellent way for students and faculty
to interact with researchers in a wide range of fields. I see the
chairs of divisions as instrumental in this process, in fostering the
interdisciplinary flavor of the society through collaborative
symposia, workshops and meeting sessions among divisions of the
Link to officer list on DIZ page