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Message from the Secretary

Sunny K. Boyd

It is my pleasure to announce the winners of the 2003 election. We very much appreciate the willingness of all the candidates to stand for office.

SICB 2003 Election - Electronic Ballot Results

(Elected Officers Listed)
SICB Member at Large of the Executive Committee Elect
George V. Lauder
SICB Educational Council Chair Elect
Henry B. John-Alder
DAB Chair Elect
Scott A. MacDougall-Shackleton
DCE Chair Elect
Robert J. Denver
DCE Secretary Elect
Kevin M. Kelley
DCPB Secretary Elect
Paul H. Yancey
DEE Chair Elect
Fredric J. Janzen
DIZ Secretary Elect
Robert W. Thacker
DSEB Chair Elect
Kenneth M. Halanych
DSEB Secretary Elect
Patrick D. Reynolds
DVM Program Officer Elect
John E.A. Bertram