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Message from the Secretary

Sunny K. Boyd

Just before our last annual meeting in New Orleans, our newly revised society-wide Constitution and By Laws went on-line (http://www.sicb.org/handbook/bylaws.php3). We now have clear, useful documents for the general governance of the society. Individual divisions, on the other hand, may not be so lucky! It is time to turn our attention to the divisional bylaws. Some division bylaws are in good shape but other sets of bylaws are wildly out of touch with current practice or directly conflict with the society-wide conventions. I have asked division chairs to review their bylaws for clarity, accuracy and conformity with the rest of the society. I would encourage any of you with an interest in this important job to volunteer your services to your chairs. The help of past officers would be especially useful because of your knowledge of actual (perhaps unwritten) practices within your divisions.

Also at the division level, the secretaries are most interested in increasing the usefulness and appeal of the divisional webpages. Current pages are static and opportunities to connect with our members and the public are likely missed. The format for these pages is wide-open and our webmaster, Ruedi Birenheide, is anxious to help spice these up. Please contact your division secretary if you have any ideas or information to contribute. Graduate students and post-docs take note especially! As usual, this request for help includes you. Why don't you send your secretary a stunning photo and get a little extra publicity for your project?

Lastly, I would recommend that those of you unfamiliar with the American Institute of Biological Sciences visit the AIBS website (http://www.aibs.org). SICB is a member of this umbrella organization which serves science and scientific societies. AIBS provides our link with Washington and public policy. Any interested person can subscribe to the AIBS Public Policy Report via the website and keep up-to-date.