In the Spring 2005
newsletter I drew your attention to the association formed at the
January 2004 meeting between the two SICB divisions of evolution and
developmental biology (DEDB) and development and cell biology (DDCB).
In particular, I drew attention to the clause "The Association
shall continue as long as it is perceived by the membership in the
interest of the participating parties, DDCB, DEDB and SICB." No
divisional member having raised any question of dissolving the
association, the association will continue. This is an association
and not an amalgamation of the two divisions. The difference is
critical. We continue to foster cell, developmental and evolutionary
developmental biology, not subordinate cell or developmental to
evo-devo. Consequently, presentations, symposia and other activities
that further the three sub-fields have been encouraged vigorously,
resulting in an unprecedented number of submissions for symposia;
details of the exciting symposia organized for the Orlando meeting
may be found in Ed's report below.
Your interest in serving the division was reflected in the
willingness of individuals to stand for election as officers of the
division. Billie Swalla will assume the Chair, Wendy Olson the
position of program officer elect, and Marcus Davis the position of
Secretary elect, all to take effect at the end of the January 2006
meeting in Orlando. Billie serves for 2006 and 2007. Wendy and Marcus
will shadow Ed Molinar and Frietson Galis during 2006 and then assume
the positions of programme officer and secretary, respectively, for
the two years 2007 and 2008. Nathan Bird continues as the graduate
student/postdoctoral fellow representative.
We retain our association with the two journals Evolution &
Development and the Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B.
Molecular and Development Evolution, and encourage you to
subscribe and submit.
Intelligent design has reared its head in the U.S., a court case
having begun late in September. Rudy Raff (first Chair of DEDB)
produced an insightful analysis of and reading list concerning
intelligent design in an editorial in Evolution & Development
(Stand up for evolution, 2005, 7(4), 273-275.
¡Saludos from
Puerto Rico, the Island of Enchantment (no hurricanes this year)!
For the 2005 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB)
Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida members submitted 1051 abstracts!
This is about the same number as they were for our large and
successful meetings over the past two years in San Diego and New
Orleans (which were larger than the previous meetings in Anaheim and
Toronto). The 2006 meeting will be held January 4-8 in the Buena
Vista (formerly Wyndham) Palace Resort and Spa (they accept online
reservations at:
The breakdown of the
abstracts is shown below:
Development (n=24 abstracts): DEDB and AMS
Behavior and Neurobiology (n=108 abstracts): DAB and DEE and DNB
Ecology and Environmental Biology (n=138 abstracts): DEE and DIZ
Evolution (n=169 abstracts): DEDB and DIZ
Morphology (n=187 abstracts): DVM and DAB and DNB
Physiology and Biochemistry (n=156 abstracts): DCE and DCPB
Regulatory Biology (n=70 abstracts): DCE and DCPB
Outreach, Education, and Policy (n=15 abstracts): AMS
Sessions associated with symposia (n=88 abstracts): AMS
Mini-symposia: 14 abstracts
Symposia: 172 abstracts
Microscopial Society; DAB - Division of Animal Behavior; DCE -
Division of Comparative Endocrinology; DCPB - Division of
Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry; DDCB - Division of
Developmental & Cell Biology; DEDB - Division of
Evolutionary; Developmental Biology; DEE - Division of Ecology
& Evolution; DIZ - Division of Invertebrate Zoology; DNB
- Division of Neurobiology; DSEB - Division of Systematic &
Evolutionary Biology; DVM - Division of Vertebrate Morphology
the 2006 DEDB and DDCB we will sponsor two symposia "Movers
and Shakers: The Evolution and Development of Mesoderm"
organized by Brad Davidson and John Gerhart and "Zebrafish in
Comparative Context" organized by Jackie Webb and Thomas
Keep checking the SICB
website (
and reading the DEDB newsletter for updates regarding the 2006
meeting in Orlando, Florida.
want to remind you that the Divisional Program Officers (DPO's)
unanimously agreed that the Best Student Paper (BSP) award programs
administered by most of the SICB divisions would benefit from
standardizing some (but not all) of the procedures and requirements
of those programs. Our specific recommendations to the Executive
Committee and membership were as follows:
eliminate division affiliation requirements for the BSP programs
(currently division affiliation is a requirement by DCPB, DEE, and
DIZ, but not DAB, DCE, DDCB, DEDB, DSEB, or DVM)
for Change: This change acknowledges the scientific overlap among the
divisions and promotes interaction among them. In addition, the
requirement recommended for elimination is fairly minor, as students
can change divisional affiliation with a single click on their SICB
member information page. This latter point means that enforcement of
the current requirement is difficult, at best.
an individual awarded the first place BSP (oral) from any division
will be ineligible to compete for the BSP (oral) in that same
division or any other division in the future. Similarly, an
individual awarded the first place BSP (poster) from any division
will be ineligible to compete for the BSP (poster) in that same
division or any other division in the future. An individual could
compete for a poster award after winning an oral award, and vice
versa (currently there are divisional restrictions in the number of
awards that any individual can win in DCPB, DDCB, DEE, and DEDB, but
not in DAB, DCE, DIZ, DSEB, or DVM).
for Change: This change would give the society an increased
opportunity to acknowledge a larger number of students making
outstanding presentations. With elimination of division affiliation
requirements (#1), it seemed important to enforce this rule at the
society level rather than just at the divisional level.
DPO's are not recommending standardizing the other differences in
divisional programs (such as number of individual awards, amount of
awards, criteria used [i.e. standardize the oral and poster
evaluation forms.]). We will need to vote on the proposed changes.
I will ask Frietson to put recommended changes on the divisional
electronic bulletin board ASAP for discussion before we vote on it.
Check the electronic bulletin board and provide your input on this
important issue. I would like for all of you to think about this and
let me know ASAP if there are problems with this. I would like to
vote on this at the 2006 meeting in Orlando Florida.
want to review and agree on the keyword list that SICB uses for DEDB
and DDCB abstract submission. This will make programming easier and
provide better linkages with symposia and contributed papers and
poster. I finally have the list of keywords and I will get this list
posted on the electronic bulletin board for your review and comment.
I really need membership input! I hope to vote on this at this
year's meeting.
University Press is the new publisher for "Integrative and
Comparative Biology (ICB)." I am sure that Oxford
University Press and our new editor (the search is ongoing) will
address the factors that made ICB less attractive for the
publication of symposia. Keep checking the SICB website for updates.
is all for now. Keep sending your original research papers and/or
symposia to Evolution and Development (Blackwell
Publishing), Molecular and Developmental Evolution
(Wiley), American Naturalist (University of Chicago
Press), Biosciences (AIBS), and soon Integrative
and Comparative Biology (Oxford University Press). These
journals are all support SICB. I hope to see you in Orlando,
Dear members of the DEDB and DDCB,
I would like to congratulate
-Billie Swalla, our
new Chair-Elect
-Wendy Olson, our new Program Officer-Elect
-Marc Davis, our new Secretary-Elect
and to thank all the
candidates for running for these offices.
The changes for
the bylaws that we had proposed in the spring newsletter have been
accepted by the members and have been added to our website. Many
thanks to Ruediger Birenheide for always being so quick in updating
our website.
We kindly ask you
again to provide a paragraph on your research and to illustrate this
with an image in jpg-format ( For
inspiration you can check the web pages of the DEE:
The meeting in Orlando
has a strong program in evolutionary developmental biology. I look
forward to seeing you there in January!
Greetings DEDB graduate students and post-docs. First, I would like
to send well-wishes to all who have either been directly affected, or
having family or friends affected by the hurricanes in the Gulf
Coast. My thoughts are with you, and I am hopeful to still see most
of you at the upcoming meeting in Orlando. As usual, there are
wonderful opportunities available for us to present our work, take
part in informative workshops to get the most out of our graduate
experience and help as we move forward towards getting a post-doc or
job, and receive support from the society (be sure to apply for
GIAR/FGST if you are eligible, deadlines are fast approaching - Nov
21st). Also, don't forget the
society/divisional socials!
Currently, DEDB is co-sponsoring two exciting symposia: "Movers and
Shakers: The Evolution and Development of Mesoderm" (co-organized
by our former grad/post-doc representative Brad Davidson) and
"Zebrafish in Comparative Context", organized by Jackie Webb and
Tom Schilling. Both are sure to be outstanding and very informative,
and I hope everyone will mark these talks down and attend. Also, I
highly encourage all of you to attend the DEDB business meeting, it
is the best way to get involved and stay informed regarding where our
division is heading in the future. See you all in Orlando!
Best Wishes,
Nathan Bird