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National Research Council is "Preparing for the 21st Century"

The National Research Council has issued a series of reports from key studies of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine, entitled "Preparing for the 21st Century." The presidents of the three academies have issued a statement of their highest priorities for the country:

Education should become the country's number one priority.

The recent trend of disinvestment in science and engineering research should be reversed.

Scientific and engineering research should be used more effectively in decision-making for public policy.

Reliable information on health care quality should be provided to consumers.

The statement, and the reports themselves, are accessible on the World Wide Web at

Fulbright Awards

The 1998-99 competition for Fulbright Awards is open, with an August 1 deadline for the regular Fulbright lecturing and research grants worldwide. For information, contact the USIA Fulbright Senior Scholar Program at 202/686-7877. Application forms are available on-line at, or may be requested by e-mail from

New International Congress of Zoology

Drs. F.D. Por (Hebrew University) and P.M. Polymeni (University of Athens) are proposing to bring forward the rich and unifying aspects of zoology, by organizing a new International Congress of Zoology. They request that interested zoologists send them suggestions regarding themes and structure of the Congress. More important, they need personal commitments to help organize symposia, workshops and help find funding sources.

For more information, contact

Dr. Rosa Polymeni
University of Athens, Department of Biology
Section of Zoology
15784 Athens, Greece

Tel.: +30.1.7284364
Fax: +30.1.7284604

The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
1313 Dolley Madison Blvd Suite 402
McLean VA 22101
Phone: 703-790-1745 or 800-955-1236
FAX: 703-790-2672