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EBO Provides Multimedia Forum for Research

Experimental Biology Online (EBO) is a new, electronic journal sponsored by SICB, the Society for Experimental Biology, and the Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (total membership 6,000 worldwide).

Its aim is to provide a medium for short, topical research papers in the general field of experimental biology in its broadest sense, ranging from the molecular to the integrative study of whole organisms.

Submission and review are electronic. Usage of the Internet at every step in the publication process leads to very short publication times - just a few weeks from submission to appearance.

The journal is accessible on the World Wide Web initially free of charge (two years), with long-term access guaranteed by the annual publication of the EBO CD-ROM archive edition.

Visit EBO at: ebo/ebo-main.htm

The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
1313 Dolley Madison Blvd Suite 402
McLean VA 22101
Phone: 703-790-1745 or 800-955-1236
FAX: 703-790-2672