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Messages from:
Division Secretary

Division Officers

DICI: 1998 Spring Newsleter

This Newsletter by Section

Message from the Secretary

Joseph L. Graves, Jr.

Creationist Turned Back in Arizona

Due to the work of a coalition of university professors, high school teachers, parents and lay persons, the State Board of Education has voted unanimously to revisit the State of Arizona science standards adopted by the board in June of 1997. These standards had deleted all reference to the concept of evolution in both the life and earth/space sciences. It became clear in the discussion of the standards that the deletion of evolution was not accidental, and tactics similar to those used in New Mexico were behind this action. In discussion of the standards, we specifically convinced the majority of the board members that the exclusion of evolution made the standards incoherent, and opened the way for creationist concepts to enter into the curriculum. The board has committed itself to redrafting the standards. The superintendent of public instruction, Lisa Graham Keegan has also committed herself to constituting a new committee and insuring that the concept of evolution is adequately covered in any new standards.

The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
1313 Dolley Madison Blvd Suite 402
McLean VA 22101
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