DAB: 1997 Fall Newsleter

This Newsletter by Section

Message from the Secretary

Peter D. Smallwood

Call for Nominations

Brent Graves has served long and well as program officer for our division. However, his term expires, and it is time for us to elect a new program officer. The main responsibility of the program officer is to recruit symposium organizers. It's a good office for the creative person; think of a topic you would like to see a symposium on, then recruit someone to organize a symposium on that topic! Or, organize one yourself. As someone who has organized a symposium, I can tell you that it is a lot of fun, and a great way to get to know the most important scientists in your subfield of interest. It is also much less work now than it used to be, because Jim Hanken, editor of American Zoologist, has taken over the editorial responsibilities for reviewing and publishing symposia.

We will collect nominations starting immediately, and will recruit nominees at the meetings in Boston. The election will take place by mail in the spring of 1998. Statements by the candidates and ballots will be included in the spring newsletter.

Anyone wishing to run for the office of program officer for the Division of Animal Behavior, or wishing to nominate someone for this office, should contact Brent, Steve or me. Our e-mail addresses, phone and regular mail addresses can be found in the shaded box on the previous page. Or talk to us at the meetings in Boston!

Opportunities for Graduate Students

Support for Meeting Attendance If you are a graduate student or have graduate students attending the Boston meetings, make sure they are aware of the student support program. In past years, SICB has been able to provide a room (shared) or waive registration for almost all students requesting such aid. In return, the student serves for one-day as a room monitor, slide projectionist or registration assistant. If you or your student did not check the box for student support on the abstract transmittal form, contact the SICB Business Office for more information and application materials.

Grants-in-Aid of Research

SICB has instituted a program of awards to support graduate student research. Initial awards were in the amount of $1,000. Seven awards were made last year, including one to a student in DAB. For more details and application materials, send in the postcard included in this issue of the newsletter.

Student/Postdoctoral Affairs Committee

We have an opening for a student or postdoctoral researcher to be our representative on the Student/Postdoctoral Affairs Committee. This committee conducts a program targeted for student and postdoctoral concerns at each Annual Meeting. Past programs have included:

• Workshops on finding research grant opportunities and writing grant proposals.

• Workshops on preparing job applications and what to expect at interviews.

• Panel discussions on professional aspects of the academic life (e.g., guidelines for co-authorship, how to manage difficult faculty-student relationships).

• Seminars on job opportunities in and outside of academia. If you would like to be the DAB representative to this committee (or have a student/postdoctorate who would be interested), please contact me, Steve or Brent. This position is filled by appointment, not by election.

The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
1313 Dolley Madison Blvd Suite 402
McLean VA 22101
Phone: 703-790-1745 or 800-955-1236
FAX: 703-790-2672
E-mail: SICB@BurkInc.com